Workplace Health

Health promotion strategies can lead to significant improvements in preventing and protecting employees from chronic ill health. Workplace health promotion programs are essential to promoting and maintaining a healthy workforce.

Workplace Health Resource Toolkit

The Workplace Health Resource Toolkit is intended to provide Alberta workplaces with guidance and support to develop and implement workplace health policies, programs and activities that are comprehensive and based on best practices. The toolkit provides information on chronic disease risk factors that are modifiable – such as tobacco use, inactivity and unhealthy food choices. These risk factors can be influenced by workplace policy and programming. Topic include the following:

  • Addictions
  • Health Eating/Nutrition
  • Healthy Weights/Weight Management
  • Mental Health
  • Physical Activity/Active Living
  • Screening
  • Shift Work
  • Tobacco
  • Ultraviolet Exposure

For more Alberta Health Services (AHS) resources or referral to programs and services, please contact Health Link Alberta at 1.866.408.5465 (LINK). Click the link below to download Toolkit.

 Workplace Health Resource Toolkit