Ways to Engage
Part of AFPA’s work is raising awareness of how Alberta benefits from our forest resource and what our industry is up to.
We’re happy to hear from people in or outside of Alberta who want to learn more about the sector.
Check out our content library and recent updates here, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have. We’re here as a community resource.
Alberta Forest Products Association
AFPA is a non-profit association that represents Alberta’s forest industry. We support our members in reaching new heights of sustainability, safety, efficiency and innovation, and we give Albertans opportunities to learn about our forests and the forest industry.
Read moreWork Wild is here to help people who are looking for a career they’ll love – whether you’re a high school student evaluating career options for the first time, or looking to make a change in your career.
If you’d like more information about employment opportunities in the forest industry, you can find job profiles, current job postings, scholarships and more here.
Workwild.caDID YOU KNOW?
96% of Alberta’s managed forests (where forest companies operate) are independently certified for sustainability.
Learn more about the forest industry’s sustainable forest management practices.
Forest Management
OUR podcast
Are you curious about sustainability, biodiversity, innovation, partnerships, nature-based climate solutions, and all things forestry? This is the podcast for you.
Forestry Talks is a podcast that explores all things forestry in Alberta with host Aspen Dudzic. Stay tuned for more episodes and updates coming soon.
Fireside Chat with the CEO — Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Not Your Grandparent’s Forest Sector with Derek Nighbor
Sustainability, Indigenous Relations, and Celebrating Women Leaders with Janis Simpkins
Biologist, Forester, Award-Winner, Wendy Crosina
Caring, Believing, and Doing with JP Gladu