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AFPA Launches Love Alberta Forests Campaign

Posted by AFPA | September 30, 2019
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Edmonton, September 30, 2019 – Today, the Alberta Forest Products Association announced the launch of its Love Alberta Forests campaign. The campaign details the love, thoughtfulness, and commitment that goes into forestry practices.

Specifically, the campaign encourages Albertans to talk about sustainability practices including:

  • Planting – Forest companies plant two trees for every one that is harvested. AFPA members have planted 2 billion trees in the last 20 years.
  • Making 200 Year Plans – Forest companies make detailed plans before they harvest that include sustainable harvesting levels, prompt replanting of harvested areas, and considerations for water, wildlife, recreation, and a host of other ecological values.
  • Supporting Research – Forest companies support extensive research into our forests, including wildlife, water, and mitigation of pests like the mountain pine beetle.

“We are very excited to launch this campaign,” said AFPA President and CEO Paul Whittaker. “Forestry professionals and forest companies are incredibly passionate about our forests. We have people who have established decades long careers in our industry and companies that have been handed down through multiple generations. This is only possible because we love what we do and we love our forests. The steps that have been taken by past generations have ensured a sustainable resource for us today, and we’re working hard every day to make practices even better.”

The campaign’s website can be found at Additionally, it will be advertised province-wide on the following mediums:

  • 46 billboards in communities throughout the province (Airdrie, Calgary, Drayton Valley, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Hinton, Innisfail, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, St. Albert)
  • Tim’s TV at all Tim Horton’s franchises in Alberta
  • Television ads on Global and CTV stations in Edmonton and Calgary
  • Global traffic helicopter spots in Edmonton and Calgary
  • Cinema ads province-wide
  • An extensive presence on digital and social media, including podcast ads, Youtube pre-roll, and, Facebook ads

The AFPA is encouraging Albertans to interact with the campaign and share why you love Alberta’s forests using the #loveabforests hashtag. The Association can be found @albertaforests on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

This campaign was made possible by funding through the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA).

The AFPA is the voice of Alberta’s forest industry. Our fully renewable and sustainable industry creates 40,000 jobs and supports 70 communities in Alberta. Learn more about the Association on our website.

Brock Mulligan
Director of Communications
p) 780.239.6890


Alberta Forest Products Association

AFPA is a non-profit association that represents Alberta’s forest industry. We support our members in reaching new heights of sustainability, safety, efficiency and innovation, and we give Albertans opportunities to learn about our forests and the forest industry.

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