A well-developed Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is essential for safeguarding lives, minimizing workplace hazards, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Auditing the system against recognized standards like COR/SECOR or ISO/CSA is critical to verify its effectiveness and drive ongoing improvement, reinforcing the company’s commitment to safety and well-being.
Auditing to established standards not only promotes compliance with legal and regulatory requirements but can promote an environment of ongoing enhancement, strengthening the company’s dedication to safety and employee well-being, while boosting worker morale.
The listed audit protocols are AFPA and Partnerships’ certified for use by AFPA COR and SECOR holders.
Auditing protocols and maintenance option templates can be found below.
COR Auditing
Standard Health and Safety COR Audit
The Standard Health and Safety COR Audit is suitable for companies in the regular COR program (typically with 10 or more employees total).
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Protocol
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Report
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Interviews
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Observations
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Documentation Guidelines
- AFPA Standard HS Audit Action Plan (Optional)
- Interview and Work Site Sampling Guide
- Standard HS Audit Worker Questionnaire – requires prior AFPA approval for use
Corrective Action Report (CAR)
The Corrective Action Report (CAR) is suitable for companies that have held a valid COR for at least 4 consecutive years and achieved a score of 90% or better on their last external audit.
A Maintenance Options Application and AFPA approval is required before undertaking a CAR.
- AFPA Maintenance Options Application
- Corrective Action Report (CAR)
- Corrective Action Report (CAR) – Completion Instructions
Action Plan
Action Plan in lieu of a maintenance audit is suitable for companies with a minimum of 100 employees, that have held a valid COR for at least 4 consecutive years and achieved a score of 85% or better on their last external audit.
A Maintenance Options Application and AFPA approval is required before undertaking an Action Plan.
SECOR Auditing
Small Employer SECOR Audit
The Small Employer SECOR Audit is suitable for companies in the small employer COR (SECOR) program (typically with 10 or less employees total).
The SECOR audit must be completed by an AFPA certified, external consultant auditor.
Small Employer SECOR Assessment
The Small Employer SECOR Assessment is suitable for companies in the small employer COR (SECOR) program (typically with 10 or less employees total). The SECOR Assessment may be completed annually by an AFPA certified, SECOR Assessor.
Currently, there is NO requirement for externally completed audits in the SECOR program.
Other COR Holder Options
Corporate Audit for COR Maintenance
COR Holders may be eligible to use their corporate Occupational Health and Safety audit for COR maintenance with prior AFPA approval.
To be eligible for use of Corporate Audit in lieu of a maintenance audit, the company must have held a valid COR for at least 4 consecutive years and achieved a score of 90% or better on their last external audit.
A Maintenance Options Application and AFPA approval is required before undertaking a Corporate Audit.
A Corporate Audit may also form the basis of an Action Plan in maintenance years. Contact AFPA for details.
COR Equivalency for ISO/CSA Certification
Employers certified to meet either the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards for occupational health and safety (OHS) management systems, are eligible to apply to AFPA for Certificate of Recognition (COR) certification.
The following standards are recognized as equivalent:
- ISO 45001:2018 was adopted by ISO in 2018, and is the international standard for OHS management systems;
- CSA Z45001:19 was introduced in 2019 as a Canadian version of the ISO 45001 standard, and includes some additional requirements.
To be considered for COR equivalency, the ISO or CSA certification must be issued from a designated certification body (e.g. British Standards Institution, AQC Canada Inc.) as recognized for this purpose by ISO or CSA.
COR equivalency will be offered for both COR certification and maintenance purposes.
Industrial Railway Regulatory Audit
All provincial railways must complete audits to help ensure ongoing safe railway operations and compliance with the railway regulations.
The purpose of the AFPA Industrial Railway audit program is to provide AFPA Member Industrial Railways with a systematic way to measure compliance to Alberta railway legislation. AFPA certified COR auditors with prior railway experience and training are eligible to conduct AFPA Industrial Railway Audits of Member Facilities. Contact AFPA for more details.
- IR Audit Template
- IR Pre-Audit Observation Record
- IR External SMS Requirements Checklist – for external, audits only
- IR Findings and Corrective Actions Log
- IR CIO Action Plan – optional
- IR Statement of Authenticity
- IR AUD Statement of Ethics
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